Library Publications
Books Published by the East Lyme Public Library Publication Committee are available for purchase at the Library or may be mailed directly to you.
For more information contact the library at (860) 739-6926 or fill out the form below. Titles for purchase include:
Last of the Nehantics. Jane T. Smith, 2011. $12.00
Vine Utley: The Remarkable Country Doctor of Lyme, Connecticut (1768-1836). Caroline Fraser Zinsser, 2010. This biography has been awarded an Award of Merit by the Connecticut League of History Organizations. $12.00
- Dear and Affectionate Wife, The Letters of Charles and Mary Chadwick of Lyme
Connecticut, 1828-1851. Caroline Fraser Zinsser, 2005. $10.00
- East Lyme Public Library 1897 - 1997: One Hundred Years of Growth. Edmond Bourque, (ed.), 1998. $5.00
- Stories of East Lyme. Olive Tubbs Chendali, 2001. $19.95
- World War II Remembered. Edward, S. Tregger, 1999. $5.00
- Points on my Compass. Captain Philip Tregger, $3.00
Poetry Collections: Do This in Remembrance and The Lie the Picture Tells. Billie Morrill, $5.00 each
Friends of Smith Harris Museum Cookbook. $5.00
Factories, Farms and Fishes published by the East Lyme Historical Society. $20.00