Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
When you've searched the Library's catalog and you don't find what you are looking for, we will try and get it for you from another library. Through our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL), we can request materials from other libraries in the State of Connecticut and throughout the United States.
Who can use this service?
This service is available to all residents and non-residents with valid library cards.
Does it cost anything?
We make every attempt to request material(s) from libraries that do not charge. However, if there is a fee we must pass it on to you. We will never request materials which incur fees without your prior permission to do so.
How long will it take to get the item I need?
Please allow a minimum of ten (10) business days for items to arrive. We will contact you via telephone or e-mail when the item arrives.
What can I borrow?
Mostly books. Please note, some materials are difficult to obtain through ILL, such as entertainment DVDs and reference materials.
How many items can I request through interlibrary loan?
Three (3) requests per patron per day will be honored.
What is the loan period?
All print materials circulate for three weeks with a maximum of one week renewal. DVDs circulate for one week with no renewals.
Please fill out the form below to request ILL materials.